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How to overcome fear

Okay, seriously now – who among us hasn't had a showdown with fear at least once? Let's dive into conquering those heart-racing moments and unleash our inner fearless champions!

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Embrace fear with Kindness: A message to every Heroine on her Journey

Fear is a natural emotion that typically emerges during times of uncertainty when the situation is unfamiliar to us. This emotion can trigger two distinct reactions: excitement, which accompanies the novelty and sense of adventure and learning that an event can bring, and the perception that the unfolding situation is daunting. This latter perspective leads us to doubt ourselves, inducing withdrawal and paralysis.

Compassion in the Face of fear: extending Understanding to Yourself

Fear resonates particularly strongly when the unknown has been encountered in some way before. Its origins can be traced back to past traumatic experiences, unfortunate memories, or unconscious and limiting social beliefs that what lies ahead will not be beneficial for us.

For instance, the belief that prioritising work-life balance will inevitably hinder your career not only damages your mental and physical well-being but also impacts your resilience and job performance. It affects both your personal and professional interactions.

Personally, I have often found myself imprisoned by fear. The fear of being judged, of not being good enough or smart enough for a specific position, of not being deserving of recognition or appreciation from others. Due to traumatic and negative experiences, I valued the opinion and the influence of others more than my own, closed myself off, convinced that the path I was on was the right one. During this period of my life, I accumulated lots of setbacks and self-doubts, allowing fear to occupy more and more space within me, leading me to become even more unfulfilled and unhappy. I conformed to a path not aligned with my true desires, sacrificing my authenticity for the sake of perceived safety.

Embrace and Accept: Confronting Fear with open arms

The concept of "False Evidence Appearing Real," or FEAR, blocks our progress and obstructs the realisation of our self-defined visions. Designed to shield us from potential dangers, FEAR constrains us by conjuring various negative scenarios in our minds. Recognizing that fear is a natural emotion fuelled by the ongoing narratives and thoughts we tell ourselves enables us to reconfigure our mindset and take action.

Past experiences can amplify fear's resonance, reminding us of the barriers we once faced. Yet, acknowledging that these experiences have contributed to our strength empowers us to move forward, unfazed by the shadows of the past.

By peering into our perception's mirror, we uncover the influences that sway our outlook. Rather than dwelling on the worst-case scenarios, we can choose to focus on the best-case scenarios and the invaluable lessons each situation brings. This shift in perspective illuminates the path forward, dispelling the negativity that fear causes.

Ultimately, the sentiment of fear is humbling as it reminds us that we lack all the answers and that the only constant in life is change. The beauty of fear lies within its potential for transformation. It serves as a reminder that growth frequently necessitates navigating uncharted waters. As we stand at the crossroads of uncertainty, let's embrace fear not as an impediment, but as an empowering force propelling us towards our aspirations. Our deepest dreams lie on the other side of fear, and with each courageous step, we weave our narrative of resilience, pushing boundaries and leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of our journey.

To all the Heroines wherever you may be on your journey: the next time you encounter fear, give yourself grace. Acknowledge it, accept it, move from your head space to your heart, and without hesitation, take that bold step forward and just go for it!

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear." – Franklin D. Roosevelt


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I'm an international women's coach. I help and empower women to find their voice, overcome obstacles, and achieve their career goals.

Sandrine Perrier

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